Universal healthcare. In most developed countries, the government pays for healthcare services that people need, making it free for people to receive healthcare. Universal healthcare is what you call this form of public health insurance coverage the country’s residents receive. In U.S. politics, people call this “Medicare for all.”

Exciting sex with women, transmasc and AFAB people: Happy f***ing!
In this last part of the Sex with women, transmasc and AFAB people miniseries, we look at f***ing, and at how to make sure everyone taking part in it has a great time.
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Exciting sex with women, transmasc and AFAB people: Foreplay?
In this third post on having sex with women, transmasc and AFAB people, we look at all kinds of ways you can play with a partner's body to make them feel amazing.
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Exciting sex with women, transmasc and AFAB people: Pleasurable bodies
In this second post on having sex with women, transmasc and AFAB folks, we’ll go over the ways their bodies are wired for pleasure.
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